Saturday, November 1, 2008

And It’s Subprime by Nose!

These times seem just like a horse race, but we are getting off track. The OTB folks – Wall Street – are missing the calls (they think the market is really up!). The horses are getting tired, and somebody forgot to tell us how many laps we have left. But at least we’ve still got our sense of humor in tact! Seems that a real live horse named High Yield sired a real live horse named Subprime, now a two-year-old filly, and this little girl really won the ninth race Thursday at the Aqueduct race track in New York. The people at the track cheered.

Meanwhile, at the American racetrack, S.E.C. who sired Lax Borrowing Rules at the “Big Financial Institution” track in Washington, D.C. stepped aside to let Treasury, who sired Foreclosure and Layoff, run the “Bailout Stakes Classic” and lose. Federal Reserve was still in the paddock and missed the race because of a sprained ankle.

Funny how in the real world, Subprime was the winner of a horse race, but when you think about when these real ponies were actually named (a couple of years ago) and the kind of folks who can afford to buy and race horses, the humor just might be a little too dark.

I’m Peter Dekom, and I approve this message.

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