Monday, September 25, 2017

Trump Magazine Covers (Outside the US)

While there are indeed a few neutral or non-pejorative “Trump” magazine covers in international media, they are rare, overwhelmed by the negative, more than any other president in our history. All over the world, polls deliver a loud and clear message to local politicians: Donald Trump is wildly and fairly uniformly unpopular; keep your distance from him or kiss your next election goodbye. Our President’s slivers of support overseas are generally among extremist nationalist/populist groups, with a few exceptions (e.g., Israel), heavily laced with xenophobia and bigotry.
Magazine covers in the United States have been even worse, but then there is a pretty clearly-declared war between Donald Trump and the U.S. MSM (mainstream media) as the First Amendment lies in the gutter, riddled with bullets, journalists now fearing for the violence promised by some of Trump’s most extreme followers… and there are a lot of them.
But Trump trundles forward, even in the face of the monumental hard dollar cost of mounting a foreign policy based on isolationism and going it alone. With North Korea’s testing ICBMs and now a super-powerful hydrogen bomb, as terrorism proliferates, we have never needed global cooperation as much as we do now… as our President goes out of his way to alienate as many countries as he can… with such powerful phrases such as the innocuous-sounding “America First” catchphrase. Innocuous? Then you need to check out my June 5th blog, “America First” – A Phrase with a Very Dark Past.
I have witnessed firsthand (on several recent occasions), investment capital from foreign (even European) sources dry up with statements like: “There is no appetite here for investments in Trump’s America.” While the stock market is soaring, experts are just waiting for the bubble to pop. We did this to ourselves.
I’m Peter Dekom, and we are now perceived as a nation gone rogue, an inciter of war, to be ignored or worthy of a “work-around” to avoid appearing to bow to the will of a-dictator-wannabee who has openly rejected so many global values and priorities.

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