Friday, February 7, 2020

Peace without Freedom or Dignity

"The Palestinian leadership have to ask themselves a question: Do they want to have a state?
Do they want to have a better life? If they do, we have created a framework for them to have it, and we are going to treat them in a very respectful manner. If they don't, they're going to screw up another opportunity like they've screwed up every other opportunity that they've ever had in their existence."
Jared Kushner, architect of the Trump Administration Palestinian “Peace through Prosperity” Plan, January 2020

On January 28th, at the White House, President Donald Trump stood alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who faces a criminal indictment, to present their fleshed out offer to Palestinians to settle their conflict within Israel. 180 pages of details. No Palestinian officials were in attendance at the revealing of a plan which, consistent with the Trump’s proclivity to label everything as the “best” or the “worst,” was called a Trump-self-serving Deal of the Century. But even a conservative Wall Street Journal label the proposal obviously “pro-Israeli."

To Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh, it was the Slap of the Century, rejected that proposal the day before it was formally presented: "We reject it, and we demand the international community not be a partner to it because it contradicts the basics of international law and inalienable Palestinian rights… It is nothing but a plan to finish off the Palestinian cause.”

Much of the broad scope of this plan had been revealed in earlier administration outlines, effectively an invitation for economic investment into Palestine, hardly guaranteed, in exchange for a program – subject to total US and Israeli approval – that could result in a limited Palestinian state. A bribe? We will pay you to give up your hopes for true independence. And although Arab states ostensibly did not oppose the proposal, not wanting to alienate the American President, behind the scenes, no Arab state was remotely prepared to get behind this US/Israeli plan. Effectively, this plan looks more like a domestic election campaign program from two politicians: Trump and Netanyahu. Not a peace plan with a scintilla of practical reality.

The February 2nd noted that this was a “a proposal for a potential Palestinian state to be created four years down the road, with a section of East Jerusalem as its capital. It included a map that ceded some of the territory seized by Israel in the Six-Day War in 1967 to Israel. That map also included land swaps that would shift communities that have been within Israel’s borders since 1948 to the potential Palestinian state… Plans for economic assistance for Palestinians were detailed as well.

“Critics of the plan noted it placed extensive conditions on Palestinians that reduce the possibility that they’d ever get a state — and would then limit the ability of Palestinians to govern themselves going forward. Israelis, having seen previous peace plans fall on deaf ears over the decades, countered that Palestinians could not hope for a resolution if they treated every proposal as immediately dead in the water.”

Reading Kushner’s above lambasting of the very Palestinian leadership that is necessary to accept and implement any peace plan, it appears clear that this is not a real attempt to secure a genuine peaceful settlement to a very difficult regional conflict. It seems all show for Netanyahu’s dwindling constituency in Israel and Trump’s pro-Israeli evangelical base. No one expects that this plan has the remotest chance of being implemented. No one.

Palestine has declared that recent US actions – effectively siding with Netanyahu in the rejection of the international notion of a genuine two-state solution, recognizing religiously sensitive Jerusalem as the legitimate capital of Israel (moving our embassy from Tel Aviv), recognition of Jewish settlements in the Palestinian-dominant West Bank, formally accepting that the Golan Heights were now permanent Israeli territory (a completely gratuitous statement that added nothing other than a pro-Israeli statement), etc. – have effectively disqualified the United States from functioning as a mediator in this Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas requested and got an emergency meeting of the Arab League for Saturday, February 1st. At that Cairo gathering, Abbas threatened “to cut security ties with both Israel and the U.S. in a speech at an Arab League meeting in which he denounced the White House plan for ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict… The U.S. plan would grant the Palestinians limited self-rule in parts of the occupied West Bank, while allowing Israel to annex all its settlements there and keep nearly all of East Jerusalem...

“Abbas said he told Israel and the U.S. that ‘there will be no relations with them, including the security ties’ after the deal that Palestinians say heavily favors Israel… The Western-backed Palestinian leadership has been under mounting pressure from ordinary Palestinians and its rivals in the Islamic militant group Hamas to cut off security ties with Israel and the U.S. or even dismantle the increasingly unpopular Palestinian Authority…

“Under the long-awaited proposal Trump unveiled Tuesday [1/28] , in return for concessions in the West Bank and Jordan Valley, the Palestinians would be granted statehood in Gaza, scattered chunks of the West Bank and some neighborhoods on the outskirts of Jerusalem, all linked together by a new network of roads, bridges and tunnels… Israel would control the state’s borders and airspace and maintain overall security authority. Critics say this would rob Palestinian statehood of any meaning…

“The Palestinian leader said he refused to take President Trump’s phone calls and messages ‘because I know that he would use that to say he consulted us…. I will never accept this solution,’ Abbas said. ‘I will not have it recorded in my history that I have sold Jerusalem.’ He said the Palestinians remain committed to ending the Israeli occupation and establishing a state with its capital in East Jerusalem. He received long applause.

“Abbas said the Palestinians wouldn’t accept the U.S. as a sole mediator in any negotiations with Israel. He said they would go to the United Nations Security Council and other world and regional organizations to ‘explain our position.’… The Arab League’s head, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, said that the proposal “does not help achieve peace and a just solution” and that the Palestinians reject it.” Los Angeles Times, February 2nd.

Both Netanyahu and Trump have their extensive cadres of “whatever we say” supporters, followers who find deep satisfaction in hardlines, insults and ultimatums, however unworkable the underlying programs might be. But these positions cater to the worst in us and bait those most impacted into exactly the opposite of what the words suggest.

            I’m Peter Dekom, and this appears to be a “peace plan” that very likely will have a most opposite and violent actual result.

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