Thursday, June 18, 2020

Denial, Deflection & Dishonesty

“If we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any.”
Donald J Trump, White House, June 15th
In 1918, as US forces traveled from their Kansas training base by train and then ship to the European theater, they carried a deadly flu virus (born in a nearby Kansas hog farm) to the Continent. The disease exploded, ending WWI as both sides were so decimated with the virus. As the US forces returned at the end of that year, they carried a mutated version of that infectious agent with them. All told, somewhere between 650 and 675 thousand Americans died from that pandemic that did not generate “herd immunity” until 1920. Three years and three waves of infection. The world experienced an obscene 50-100 hundred million deaths from that flu.

An American perspective, one that was shoved onto the leaders of a grateful allied Europe saved from the “Bosch,” was the quickly adopted: President Woodrow Wilson’s demand that the existence of that pandemic not be discussed in public. Strictly enforced censorship was the rule, a restriction that was never officially lifted. It was imposed to keep the enemy from learning of a disease that weakened allied troop strength, and after the war, to keep military morale on high. Newspapers that published even the slightest hint of that pandemic were visited by angry FBI agents, apparently unconcerned that their censorship violated the First Amendment. Despite the magnitude of the disease – the above is just one of many makeshift hospital wards created to “treat” flu-ridden US soldiers – the coverup was dramatically successful.

Even Woodrow Wilson himself contracted the virus, which led to a mild stroke. He was so debilitated from the aftereffects of the disease that his mind was no longer able to concentrate; he was unsteady in his walk. He was so weakened that he died within a year after his presidency. His precious desire to create a League of Nations, to create a livable post-WWI economic world on the vanquished Germans and Austrians, lost their champion. He was not able to articulate and lead the allies in that direction. There was no League of Nations, and the allies imposed such a horrific set of vengeful sanctions on Germany that they actually laid the groundwork for the rise of Adolph Hitler over the following decade.

One country in Western Europe had remained neutral during WWI: Spain. Their press wrote passionately and in detail about this flu virus that was a killing Spaniards by the thousands. Because only the Spanish press wrote about the disease, Americans wrongly assume that the flu originated in Spain. And so the name “Spanish Flu” was the new descriptor… it should have been called the “Kansas Flu.” Not having the same WWI ongoing journalistic analysis within the English-speaking press, historians buried the pandemic into the back pages of their textbooks. The renewed interest in the Spanish Flu arose only with the outbreak of COVID-19.

The parallels of governmental disinformation, a failure to release accurate facts, an inability to design and guide a consistent, coherent and medically sound federal response to the pandemics is astoundingly similar, although the reasons for the disinformation are quite different. Trump’s motivations to hide and distort the bad news and embellish the good news are centered in his obsession with being reelected. Woodrow Wilson try to couch his censorship/failure to act decision in terms of what he perceived to be a military necessity. Wilson probably could have saved the lives of well over half those Americans who perished from that Spanish Flu if he were transparent, had issued proper social distancing policies and mandated the immediate use of masks, which later became pervasive in the second and third waves of the disease.

Only the federal government is equipped to deal completely with major global issues. Governors might be able to struggle to contain infections within their jurisdictions, but there are no borders between states, so their efforts can only go so far. Having a president and virtually his entire party purposely misrepresenting the facts, reopening their local economies too soon and without enforced mandatory safety measures and even sponsoring indoor mass rallies, the perfect breeding grounds for COVID-19 under even the lax CDC guidelines, will probably result in the unnecessary deaths of a hundred, maybe hundreds, of thousand(s) of additional Americans.

Head in the sand, and fire anyone who interferes with the obfuscation! “President George W. Bush famously advocated for testing so we could know if our children is learning. Trump takes the opposite view: If sunlight is the best disinfectant, Trump’s administration is festering. The administration literally shut down the transparency website ‘’ and another one called ‘’ As The Post’s Juliet Eilperin reported, it removed some 40,000 data sets from in its first few months.

“The head-in-sand strategy has become endemic during the pandemic. Florida fired the manager of its virus-data website after she objected to the removal of records showing people had symptoms or positive tests before the cases were announced. Georgia reorganized its data in ways that made things look better than they were. Arizona attempted to stop the running of models showing the virus spreading. And the Trump administration for several weeks blocked the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from issuing its guidelines for reopening.” Dana Milbank writing an OpEd for the June 16th Washington Post.

It would be one thing if these decisions were simply a product of incompetence… maybe even just an expression arrogant denial. But when it is absolutely clear that these a “malice aforethought” intentional descriptive manipulations of events, causation and hard statistical numbers, there is an evil shadow cast over these elected officials. Nothing in any GOP platform suggests that lying about survival-based facts, in a high-risk environment that could kill hundreds of thousands of us (perhaps more), is a Party mandate. It certainly prevents the proper containment of the disease. These elected officials have not only betrayed their sworn duty and responsibility to their constituents, they have betrayed both their own Party, distorting a long-standing political structure for personal gain, and their country.

            I’m Peter Dekom, and when distortions of this magnitude become the new normal, it just might be time to relabel them for what they are: high treason.

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