Saturday, December 30, 2023

Rejected: Feeding Poor Children

A lunch box and a sandwich

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The MAGA GOP is firmly committed to keeping taxes for the ultra-rich low, arguing that deficits are caused solely by government spending – never because we do not tax mega-wealth except on death or transfer. So, we are all asked to sacrifice so those private jets, lavish vacations and second, third and fourth homes remain easily accessible for those making gobs of money with even greater gobs of assets… those in the top one percent of mega-wealth who own more than half the assets in the entire country. The vocabulary of greed misuses words like “creeping socialism” – but socialism is government ownership of land, business and factories, not social programs like public schools, Social Security and school lunches – and “entitlements” – as if Social Security retirees did not spend decades contributing to that fund and poor children are to blame for their own malnourishment.

I will never forget a televised interview with a MAGA religious fundamentalist who answered a reporter’s question as to “What does the Biblical admonition Love thy neighbor mean?” The answer was that it was a requirement that was relegated to her immediate neighbors. While that is an Old Testament Commandment, I can only guess what being charitable, non-judgmental and not preconditioning kindness on personal attributes or beliefs – the entire thrust of the New Testament – meant to her as well. And so it is with no surprise that Iowa’s MAGA governor and legislature found that a federal program, passed by Congress to ensure that children who received free public-school lunches during the school term were also nutritionally covered during the summer break. Lots of other red states have yet to sign up; they have until January 1st to opt in.

It's what the US Department of Agriculture describes as: “As part of its efforts to end child hunger, the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) created the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children (SEBTC) demonstration to study the use of SNAP [Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program], formerly known as the Food Stamp Program) and WIC [Women, Infants and Children program] electronic benefits transfer (EBT) technology in providing food assistance to low-income children during the summer by providing their families with more resources to use at food stores.” Congress passed the bill, and there is very little in the way of administrative charges to the states for the children who benefit.

But for MAGA Republicans running Iowa and Nebraska, that form of “creeping socialism” simply is an unsustainable federal deficit contributor… and they want no part of it. “The state has notified the U.S. Department of Agriculture that it won’t take part in the 2024 Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program for Children, or Summer EBT, the state’s Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Education said in a news release Friday [12/23].

“Such ‘federal COVID-era cash benefit programs are not sustainable and don’t provide long-term solutions for the issues impacting children and families. An EBT card does nothing to promote nutrition at a time when childhood obesity has become an epidemic,’ Iowa Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds said in the news release.

“She added, ‘If the Biden Administration and Congress want to make a real commitment to family well-being, they should invest in already existing programs and infrastructure at the state level and give us the flexibility to tailor them to our state’s needs.’… States that participate in the federal program must cover half of the administrative costs, which would be an estimated $2.2 million in Iowa, the news release says.” Associated Press, December 26th.

Dear, sweet Governor Richards, the Biden Administration did not pass the enabling federal legislation; Title 42-THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE CHAPTER 13-SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAMS was passed well before Biden became President. The legislation began in 1973 and was amended several times, most recently in 2010. So, Iowa’s plethora of fat kids means that poor kids don’t get fed healthy food? $40/month in benefits denied to impoverished families?

“States that participate in the federal program must cover half of the administrative costs, which would be an estimated $2.2 million in Iowa, the news release says… Some state lawmakers, including Democratic Sen. Izaah Knox of Des Moines, voiced their opposition to the decision… ‘It’s extremely disappointing that the Reynolds administration is planning to reject federal money that could put food on the table for hungry Iowa kids,’ Knox said in a statement. ‘This cruel and short-sighted decision will have real impacts on children and families in my district and communities all across Iowa.’

“Officials in neighboring Nebraska also announced last week [mid-December] that the state would not take part in Summer EBT, which would cost it about $300,000 annually in administrative costs, the Lincoln Journal Star reported.” AP. If I recall, during his campaign Donald Trump pledged to replace the Affordable Care Act with a cheaper but vastly more effective national healthcare plan.

Funny how no such replacement plan was ever proposed, but in 2017 Trump did push through a massive reduction in the federal corporate tax rate, from 35% to 21%, which added trillions to our deficit. Everyone partakes in supporting the interest payments attributable to our federal deficit… but only very rich people benefit from those loopholes and tax cuts. Hmmmm. Reverse Robin Hood tactics… and the less affluent MAGA voters continue to shoot themselves in the foot.

I’m Peter Dekom, and the hallmark of MAGA leadership is “cruel and unusual” legislation if you are in the middle or bottom of the income ladder… and “OMG bonanza” if you are at the top.

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