Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Replacement Killers

 A group of people standing in a crowd

Description automatically generatedA group of people holding a sign

Description automatically generatedA person in a robe looking at a person in a robe

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“They shall not replace us…” 
The 2017 chant of the torch/cross-bearing white Christian nationalists in Charlottesville, VA.

There is a cold determined wind filling the sails of the Christian Nationalist movement behind the evangelical support of the MAGA GOP and the canonization of Donald John Trump as the permanent leader of the United States of America. It is incredibly white. It’s not subtle, tolerant or remotely consistent with democracy or our Constitution. It replaces that foundational document with the severe reading of the Gospel; the Bible is the supreme reference point for all laws, superior to all other doctrines, constitutional provisions and policies of governance at the state and federal level. Here is a draft of the relevant manifest, a work in progress:

A document with text on it

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They’re not stupid; they have some very clever conservative, populist thinkers behind them. But they are heavily committed to governmental control (er… fundamental Christian values control) over personal choice and permitted cultural expressions. They have successfully obliterated a woman’s right to an abortion, a right recognized in almost all other developed nations, and are fighting hard for a national abortion ban. But to move the entire nation into supporting their values, they are clever enough to hit on primary and secondary classrooms and libraries – under the seemingly reasonable notion of parental rights to control their children’s lessons (oh, and to control everyone else’s child as well) – and controversial demographic segments like the LGBTQIA+ communities. In their fundamental and judgmental doctrine, these individuals are not so much categorized by innate status (as the vast majority of medical professionals state) as by their own choice, often by reason of external adult “grooming” into sexual depravity.

Thus, but using this rubric, as Andrew DeMillo and John Hanna point out in the March 10th Los Angeles Times, increasing numbers of red state are defining genders as only binary. Male and female. “Kansas enacted a law last year that ended legal recognition of transgender identities. The measure says that there are only two sexes, male and female, and that they’re based on a person’s ‘biological reproductive system’ at birth… That law, and proposals introduced around the nation this year — often labeled as ‘bills of rights’ for women — are part of a push by conservatives who say states have a legitimate interest in restricting transgender people from sports competitions or from using bathrooms that align with their gender identity… Critics say the proposals to legally define sex as binary are essentially erasing transgender and nonbinary people’s existences by making it as difficult as possible for them to update documents, use facilities and participate authentically in public life…

“Measures have been proposed this year in at least 13 states — Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming — and advocates expect that number to grow… The bills follow Republican lawmakers’ push last year for restrictions on transgender people, especially youths. At least 23 states have banned gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors, and some are now trying to restrict such care for adults. Others are focusing on restroom and sports restrictions… Many political observers say the GOP focus on transgender people is an attempt to rally a voting base with a ‘wedge issue’ to replace abortion rights, which the public has largely favored. Transgender people and their allies worry that the efforts further stigmatize and threaten a community already at high risk of stress, depression and suicidal behavior.”

Indeed, the ramming white Christian nationalism into our system of governance is a carefully orchestrated and exceptionally well-funded effort. This includes powerful groups like the very religious The Center for Renewing America and the Heritage Foundation, the latter of which has become the ultra-rightwing self-appointed vetter of GOP presidential appointments, now completely MAGA dominated. The takeover of the federal bureaucracy if Trump prevails in November, will be almost instantaneous; legions of preselected prospective nominees with receive immediate appointments.

He’s already done that with the Republican National Committee, after appointing an insider and his daughter-in-law to the top positions: “The RNC is expected to cull about 60 people across the political, data and communications departments. At least five members of the senior staff will be let go and some third-party contracts may also be cancelled. One source familiar with the situation described it as an ‘absolute bloodbath’.” Guardian UK, March 11th. See also my March 1st The New, Malign and Vastly Deeper State blog for about Trump’s vast cadre of federal bureaucrat-appointees in waiting, another “bloodbath” in the making.

Writing for the February 20th Politico, Alexander Ward and Heidi Przybyla drill down as Trump allies prepare to infuse “Christian nationalism” into second administration: “Spearheading the effort is Russell Vought, who served as Trump’s director of the Office of Management and “Budget during his first term and has remained close to him. Vought, who is frequently cited as a potential chief of staff in a second Trump White House, is president of The Center for Renewing America think tank, a leading group in a conservative consortium preparing for a second Trump term.

“Christian nationalists in America believe that the country was founded as a Christian nation and that Christian values should be prioritized throughout government and public life. As the country has become less religious and more diverse, Vought has embraced the idea that Christians are under assault and has spoken of policies he might pursue in response.

“One document drafted by CRA staff and fellows includes a list of top priorities for CRA in a second Trump term. ‘Christian nationalism’ is one of the bullet points. Others include invoking the Insurrection Act on Day One to quash protests and refusing to spend authorized congressional funds on unwanted projects, a practice banned by lawmakers in the Nixon era.

“CRA’s work fits into a broader effort by conservative, MAGA-leaning organizations to influence a future Trump White House. Two people familiar with the plans, who were granted anonymity to discuss internal matters, said that Vought hopes his proximity and regular contact with the former president — he and Trump speak at least once a month, according to one of the people — will elevate Christian nationalism as a focal point in a second Trump term.”

Trump’s pledge of “retribution” rather openly intends to enlist the DOJ and the military, under the Insurrection Act, to arrest his critics, prosecutors and judges who have charged tried (or are about to try ) him, eliminating entire media channels (e.g., CNN and MSNBC). Using the regulatory agencies to drive any businesses which are not supportive of him to go out of business and be sold to Trump cronies, he will follow the same model successfully used by Hungary’s autocrat P.M., Viktor Orban.

I’m Peter Dekom, and understand that this sizeable cadre of well-armed religious zealots – where the ends justifies the means – believe that God has directed them to install Donald Trump as America’s leader and that any other result is simply the devil’s work, which must be stopped at all costs.

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