Thursday, January 10, 2019

Living in an Alternative Universe

With all of the success that our Country is having, including the just released
jobs numbers which are off the charts, the Fake News & totally dishonest Media
 concerning me and my presidency has never been worse. Many have become
crazed lunatics who have given up on the TRUTH!...
...The Fake News Media in our Country is the real Opposition Party. It is truly the
Enemy of the People! We must bring honesty back to journalism and reporting!

Chris Wallace Fox News Sunday [11/6] interview of White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders on the administration’s false claim that thousands of terrorists are using the southern border to gain entry to the U.S.:
WALLACE: The State Department says that there is, quote, their words, “no credible evidence of any terrorist coming across the border from Mexico.”
SANDERS: We know that roughly nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists come into our country illegally, and we know that our most vulnerable point of entry is at our southern border.
WALLACE: Wait, I know the statistic. I didn’t know you were going to use it, but I studied up on this. Do you know where those 4,000 people come, where they are captured? Airports.
SANDERS: Not always.
WALLACE: Airports. The State Department says there hasn’t been any terrorists that they’ve found coming across the southern border.
SANDERS: It’s by air, it’s by land, it’s by sea, it’s all of the above, but one thing that you’re forgetting is that the most vulnerable point of entry that we have into this country is our southern border, and we have to protect it, and the more and more that individuals know that ...
WALLACE: But they’re not coming across the southern border, Sarah, they’re coming and they’re being stopped at airports.
SANDERS: They’re coming any number of ways, they’re certainly, I’m not disagreeing with you that they’re coming through airports.

Fox News is Trump country, but Wallace seems to be interfering with Donald Trump’s contemplation of invoking a declaration of “national emergency” – powers not well-defined in the enabling National Emergencies Act of 1976 – to justify tapping the military budget to build his medieval castle wall along our southern border to keep that “invading horde” of “terrorists” out of the country. Apparently, our President is not acquainted with the notion that federal spending bills originate in the House of Representatives, a body that is controlled by the Democrats.
Sorry Tsar Donald, you really must deal with the fact that you are living in a constitutional democracy, not the autocracy you dream about. Shutting down a quarter of the federal government to circumvent the democratic process to get what you want? Really? The press is the real “enemy of the people”? Damned First Amendment! Downright un-American!
Donald Trump has a habit of bootstrapping his policies either by making up facts or embracing some wild pseudo-fact manufactured on some conspiracy-driven right-wing website. Truth left the build a long time ago, with The Washington Post telling us that the White House issues an average of 18 lies a day. Impressive but disturbing. That his base votes and believes as Trump dictates. Anything that contradicts fearless leader is seen as fake and part of a massive conspiracy to unseat America’s “savior.”
Trump’s plastic, lock-step legal team has repeatedly stated that “collusion” isn’t a criminal act. Maybe if we used the word “conspiracy,” the criminality would be clearer. But Mueller’s team has stated that their inquiry is not intended to see if there is sufficient basis to indict a sitting president, so “collusion” is as good a word as any. Mueller is following the Department of Justice standing policy of not issuing such presidential indictments at all. Note that there are no constitutional or federal statutory prohibitions against such indictments; the DoJ just doesn’t do that.
But Donald Trump is an autocrat facing a Democrat-controlled House of Representatives with his honesty, veracity and transparency in their crosshairs. Some Dems want more, but nothing is likely to happen in any form of meaningful impeachment efforts until Mueller completes his report. His appointment has another roughly six months to go.
The autocrat President, who has successfully bullied virtually the entire GOP into subservience, has drawn a line in the sand, a showdown if you will, to put the Dems in their place. He wants that concrete wall, and he has contradicted every member of his administration, every Republican politician, who has stated that Trump is not committed to a “real concrete and steel wall,” just to enhanced border security which will involve some new physical barriers. No, says Trump, he wants a real concrete and steel wall! And if you have an invading horde at your gates, voila, the basis for declaring a national emergency. And no, Mr. President, building the wall out of steel only is not a compromise!
He says he has strong support for his castle wall, but outside of his base and the half-hearted endorsement of most Republicans in Congress, most Americans just want border security and not a wasteful wall. “President Donald Trump's recent claim that his predecessors endorsed his idea of a wall at the Mexican border got no support from the ex-presidents' club… Trump stated in a Rose Garden news conference Friday [11/4]: ‘This should have been done by all of the presidents that preceded me. And they all know it. Some of them have told me that we should have done it.’
“THE FACTS: The four living ex-presidents do not back him up on this claim.” Associated Press, January 8th. Directly or through an official spokesperson, each of the four living ex-presidents have denied having such conversations.
His short Tuesday, January 9th televised address to the nation presented statistics his own government agencies have contradicted, instilled a vision of drugs pouring across the border, gangsters slipping to our nation threatening decent citizens and citing a recent shooting of a California police officer by an undocumented alien, to justify shutting down the a large part of the federal government in favor of a medieval steel and/or concrete wall across our Mexican border.
Noting the President’s failure to get Mexico to pay for his wall as promised, Democrats Nancy Pelosi (House Speaker) and Charles Schumer (Senate Minority Leader) countered, championing a more modern approach to border security (not a “fourth century solution”), noting that a bully my-way-or-the-highway president attempt to subvert the democratic process with a government shutdown was beyond inappropriate. It was, the Dems maintained, an attempt to distract from a White House in chaos.
Mueller’s investigation was hovering in the air. An indictment earlier that day of a Russian lawyer, who worked to set up that infamous Trump Tower meeting, claimed that Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort disclosed detailed campaign information to this Russian operative. That was added to Trump’s recent seeming parroting of strange information about Russia. To understand how off-the-wall – or perhaps connected under the table to Moscow – Trump can be, on January 2nd, he pulled “information” that initially seemed to have been generated by one of those esoteric conspiracy sites.
“In a rare public break with the White House, top Afghan officials on Thursday [1/3] criticized President Trump’s praise of the 1979 Soviet invasion of their country and defended the ‘sacrifice of millions of Afghans’ in the conflict.
“During Trump’s rambling, 90-minute riff Wednesday before reporters as members of his Cabinet looked on, the president said Moscow’s invasion — which the U.S. opposed as a violation of Afghan sovereignty and an attempt to spread communism — was justified because of the threat of terrorism from Afghanistan.
“‘The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia,’ Trump said. ‘They were right to be there. The problem is it was a tough fight.’… Trump’s comments not only broke with the policies of the U.S. government, which under the Carter and Reagan administrations secretly funneled arms and support to Afghanistan’s anti-Soviet forces, but they also spread anger through top levels of a country where the U.S. still has 14,000 service members stationed…
“Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said in statement that dozens of countries had denounced the invasion and that Afghans fought to liberate their holy land.’… Adding that ‘all U.S. presidents since” had supported the Afghan resistance that drove out Soviet forces, Ghani said his government had “urged clarification through diplomatic sources from our ally the United States.’
“Afghan Foreign Minister Salahuddin Rabbani tweeted that the ‘Soviet occupation was a grave violation of Afghanistan’s territorial integrity’ and that ‘any other claim defies historical facts.’… He cited the ‘heroic resistance & sacrifice of millions of Afghans’ in a conflict that was widely seen as modern Afghanistan’s proudest achievement.
“The Afghan resistance — covertly backed by the CIA — sapped Moscow’s finances and morale and is seen as one of the factors that hastened the downfall of the Soviet Union. Trump used the historical example to argue that countries should police their own regions but erroneously said that the Afghan invasion bankrupted Moscow.” Los Angeles Times, January 4th.
They were right to be there,’ Declared Trump. But Putin had been working on his parliament – the Duma – to make Trump’s statement into official policy, claiming that non-existent Afghan terrorists had entered Russia: “In recent weeks, lawmakers in the Russian Duma approved a draft resolution that retroactively seeks to justify the Soviet Union’s Afghan war. 
This measure seeks to void a ‘moral and political condemnation’ of the Afghan invasion signed in 1989 by Mikhail Gorbachev, acting as chairman of the Supreme Soviet. The resolution says Soviet military action was conducted ‘in full accordance with the norms of international law.’ It adds that troops were sent ‘taking into account multiple requests of Afghanistan's leadership for direct Soviet intervention into the conflict.’”, January 6th. Hmmm…. Fake justifications for border security? Russian collusion? See any connections here? Or is Trump simply living in an alternative universe? Both?
              I’m Peter Dekom, and I wonder if Donald is picturing one of those cool dictator uniforms that we often see at those big military marches in autocracies.

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