Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Stand-by for President JD "Childless Cat Lady" Vance

A person in a red hat and white shirt holding a golf club

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A person wearing a red hat

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A couple of men standing on a golf course

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What do Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump have in common? Desperation born of criminal prosecution that can only be avoided if they or their own designated replacements stay in power… and are permitted to wield autocratic power. But unlike Netanyahu, Trump’s health and mental acuity are showing serious failings where it is difficult to hide the obvious.

As Biden celebrated his 81st birthday back in November of last year, Former President Donald Trump shared a report proclaiming his "exceptional" cognitive health. He even produced that document, signed by Trump's personal physician (Congressman Ronny Jackson), that was filled with superlatives but light on detail, describing the overall health of the Republican primary front-runner as "excellent" and his performance on cognitive tests as "exceptional."

Leaked but verified scans from earlier tests during his presidency showed Trump with significant coronary blockage and his being serious overweight (technically, obese). Despite that purported weight loss, photographs point to little or no change. His diet is legendarily heavy on meat, potatoes and fast-food favorites. Still, the report claimed, “Trump has ‘reduced his weight through an improved diet and continued daily physical activity’ and credits this as the reason his ‘laboratory analysis’ came back more favorable than in prior testing. But no specific metrics are listed.

“In August, Trump self-reported his height and weight to the Fulton County Jail as 6'3" and 215 pounds. Some on social media pointed out those were the same dimensions as Ravens Quarterback Lamar Jackson (though Jackson, at 6'2", is technically shorter.)” NCPR, November 2023. But Trump’s weight, on a simple visual inspection (see above pictures), clearly speaks the truth. He’s pretty much the same. During Trump’s political years, he has tended towards obesity.

“Trump weighed in at 243 pounds during a presidential physical in 2019. His doctor said then he was overall in ‘very good health,’ but was technically obese… A series of medical mishaps and apparent attempts to mislead the public have only ratcheted up the interest… In 2015, Trump's physician claimed he would be ‘the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency,’ then later admitted that the patient himself dictated the memo.

“In 2020, Trump's doctors received criticism for offering contradictory or incomplete updates on the then-president's bout of the coronavirus, which turned into a superspreader event. And in the same year, Trump fueled days of media discourse for bragging about his performance on a dementia test, which he framed as an intelligence test. He said the questions involved identifying an elephant and repeating the words ‘Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.’" NCPR.

Yet, to MAGA faithful, no one can rally the base and stir up a crowd like Donald Trump. But his speaking patterns have veered farther and farther away from his focused target – “leaving” he says – off on tangents, conspiracy theories and anecdotal “examples” of his “policies,” some of which (like healthcare) are relegated to “concepts.” I am reminded that politicians who rely on anecdotes vs statistical evidence, which often afflicts both parties, really cannot prove their case with facts. Vance and Trump openly state they hate fact checks. Fabrication is a go-to practice.

But whether it is due to age, desperation or the stress over what’s at stake – freedom and power vs facing incarceration – Donald Trump is showing some very obvious mental deterioration. Still, even as he makes up alterative facts and spouts obviously insane conspiracy theories, you have to give him credit: he’s held his base despite conclusive proof – even just looking at Trump’s first three pre-pandemic years, Biden’s economic numbers surpass those Trump’s consistently. There are fewer undocumented border crossers today than during Trump’s years as President. Inflation is falling, joblessness is low and steady, wages are still up, crime is down. And MAGA power remains very much intact. Nevertheless, Harris is in a dead heat, one that could easily move Trump to victory.

Trump frequently mixes up names, cannot sustain an on-topic debate, flip-flops – sometimes to generate political contributions – and speaks with great rising dark, autocratic anger, depending on fear to hold the course. He pledges to round up his opponents, using the military if necessary, even suggesting if he loses, his followers should rise to protect that “rigged” election, by force if necessary, even though that “rigging” is coming from the MAGA faithful. His tone is violent, suggesting “bloodshed” if he loses.

Trump even rages at the very major donors he needs to support his campaign, like this moment at a small dinner of big hitters at Trump Tower in NYC: “Over steak and baked potatoes, the former president tore through a bitter list of grievances… He made it clear that people, including donors, needed to do more, appreciate him more and help him more… The rant, described by seven people with knowledge of the meal who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations, underscored a reality three weeks before Election Day: Mr. Trump’s often cantankerous mood in the final stretch.” NY Times (October 12th). It gets worse every day.

MAGA followers ignore allegations that Trump in “unhinged,” “unstable” and incapable of focusing, notwithstanding proof to the contrary. Even as Kamala Harris passed medical tests that Trump will not allow for himself, DJT challenges Harris’ cognitive abilities and is demanding that she take the relevant tests. Trump’s strangeness abounds. Take his October 14th town hall in Oaks, Pennsylvania, moderated by South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem.

The heat in the venue was uncomfortable. “[The] Proceedings were paused while two attendees [,who fainted,] received medical attention, at which point Trump jokingly asked whether ‘anybody else would like to faint?’ He then said: ‘Let's not do any more questions. Let's just listen to music. Let's make it into a music. Who the hell wants to hear questions, right?’” Newsweek, October 15th. Huh? Has been ridiculed by those who find his answers to questions often show his instability. “Cat and dog eating” Haitians in Ohio, for example.

Indeed, some in the town hall crowd began to leave, as Trump told his team to play a succession of nine songs as he at times danced on stage. What sane politician does that? “Video of Donald Trump bopping on stage to the beat of his musical playlist - from Luciano Pavarotti to the Village People, for nearly 40 minutes after a truncated town hall in a battleground state - triggered more questions Tuesday [10/15] about the former president's mental stability… ‘Hope he's okay,’ said Trump's Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, in a post on the social media platform X.” USA Today, October 15th. Nevertheless, Harris is in a dead heat, one that could easily move Trump to victory. Huh? It is highly probable that if elected, Trump won’t make it through a full term. President JD Vance. Ouch!

I’m Peter Dekom, and do Americans so hate the notion of a woman of color becoming president that they just might elect a very unhealthy, enraged, mentally unbalanced racist instead?

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