Monday, December 2, 2024

Blogging and Major Surgery

 white poster with a medical symbol ...

Blogging and Major Surgery

So, I picked this post-Thanksgiving time to deal with a personal but major spinal issue that has been plaguing me for a while. As this blog is being posted by my trusty blog master, Amanda Casarella, I should be in post-op after what I hope is a single successful lower spine reconstruction (so much for spineless lawyers!), but it may have been broken into two operations.

After a significant hospital stay (I will write even more knowledgably about American healthcare!) and some serious time in a rehab facility, I hope to be semi-human enough to resume writing by January. In the meantime, and every few days, Amanda will post from a backlog of blogs I wrote in anticipation of my absence. If some of the posts seem a little dated, forgive me, but I hope the thrust of those blogs are still relevant.

Happy holidays to you all!

I’m Peter Dekom, and unless there is BIG PROBLEM, “I shall return” (plagiarized line)!

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