Saturday, December 15, 2012

Murder in Connecticut – Part 2

I’ve had some pretty strong reactions to my latest blog, and many have asked for more relevant statistics in chart form. Well, here they are. I also recommend your reading Galer Barnes comment to last night’s blog. The Newtown murders sure looked like someone playing out a murderous video game in real life. Oh, apparently the gunman didn’t leave that assault rifle in his car… he used it mercilessly.

Above from: PRI’s The World from the BBC, PRI & WGBH, July 24th
Kieran Healy, a sociologist at Duke University, made the above graph of “deaths due to assault” in the United States and other developed countries.

Above prepared by Mother Jones, which tracked and mapped every shooting spree in the last three decades.

  Reacting to the Aurora, Colorado killings:, July 21st.

Results Above from August US Poll from CNN/ORG

I’m Peter Dekom, and it’s just time to face facts!

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